What's Inside:
Welcome to fall. Hope everyone enjoyed our incredible stretch of warm weather.
Save the Date!
Mark Thursday, February 6, 2025 on your calendars for our Annual General Meeting. We’ve moved the AGM to better align with our membership cycle. Councillor Keith Irish will be our guest speaker. Come meet your neighbours and learn important information about your community.
Yonge North Subway Extension Update
Media Coverage
In the past few months, there have been consistent coverage of Metrolinx and the province’s subway expansion program including CBC coverage of unexpected property expropriations: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/riverdale-residents-furious-with-metrolinx-plan-to-expropriate-homes-1.7299661
Toronto Life highlighted how “residents in the path of Ontario Line construction are living in a bone-rattling, foundation-cracking, rat-infested hellscape”: https://torontolife.com/deep-dives/train-wreck-the-bone-rattling-reality-of-ontario-line-construction/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=This+City%3A+August+28%2C+2024&utm_term=TL_This_City
And, with RORA’s leadership, the Toronto Star’s article, “What on the Line,” described how the YNSE alignment was changed to benefit developers. Please email us at royalorchardra@gmail.com if you would like a copy of the Toronto Star article.
On the other hand, we have heard very little from Metrolinx. The Royal Orchard Community Liaison Committee (CLC) meeting was supposed to take place in mid October. Metrolinx had committed to providing information on the locations of Emergency Exit Buildings and responding to follow-up questions from our July Community Walk. At this time, there is no confirmation of a fall CLC meeting date.
We understand the YNSE tunnelling contract is unlikely to be awarded until January 2025. This would make sense given the additional geotechnical drilling that Metrolinx is currently undertaking at the request of the proponents.
Neighbourhood Watch Information Session
RORA has organized a Zoom information session with York Regional Police, PC Hinds, on November 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm about setting up a Neighbourhood Watch Program for our community. Neighbourhood Watch may reduce crime through the active participation of residents in crime prevention. It involves working with neighbours to keep an eye on each other's property and reporting suspicious activity.
Please email Sam Cuda directly at samcuda09@gmail.com to register and receive the Zoom link.
Development News
8051 Yonge Street and 10 Royal Orchard Blvd
The report from the City of Markham’s Planning staff regarding Greenpark’s Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 8051 Yonge Street and 10 Royal Orchard Blvd. was considered at Council’s Development Services Committee on October 1, 2024. The staff report and associated files can be viewed here: https://pub-markham.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=c7377194-6ba4-43ee-8efc-877e580ca061&Agenda=Agenda&lang=English&Item=24&Tab=attachments
Planning staff’s report recommended that the applications be approved: “staff is of the opinion that the Proposed Development is appropriate and represents good planning”.
Councillor Keith Irish argued vehemently that Greenpark’s proposals would not yield complete, liveable/sustainable communities. He called for a motion to send the applications back to Planning staff for further review. The motion was carried by a vote of 12 to zero (two members abstained).
RORA would like to thank Councillor Irish for championing the interests of our community and his steadfast support for meaningful and effective planning.
8127-8149 Yonge Street
The Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing for the application to develop a mixed-use building with two 40 storey towers and nine townhouse units at 8127-8149 Yonge Street is scheduled for November 21 to 29, 2024. The City of Markham will be represented by counsel.
The appeal is on the basis of a non-decision of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments. Under the Planning Act, the applicant can appeal an application where no decision has been made by Council within 120 days of submission of a complete application. A Statutory Public Meeting for this application was held on March 28, 2023. The developer appealed their application on April 28, 2023.
Heintzman House Craft Show
Please join us on November 9th & 10th, 2024, from 10:00am to 5:00pm for the 52nd Annual Heintzman House Artisan Craft Show.
This City of Markham’s magnificent heritage home will host talented artisan vendors on all three floors. With over 40 artisans, there will be something for everyone! Featuring honey, hot sauces, award-winning jams and spreads, beautiful jewelry, home and holiday décor, ceramics, fun children’s items and cozy hand knits, wood craftmanship, decadent soaps, all-natural body care, and much more to surprise and delight you, this awe-inspiring event is not to be missed.
Additional information and details: https://theheintzmanhouse.ca/2024-craft-show
Come enjoy a delicious treat at the Craft Show Cafe and browse the Show's offerings of the crafting community’s many talented and skilled artisans, makers and designers.
Entrance is $5.00 at the door, and children 12 years and under are free. Cash and Debit will be accepted. Accessibility note: the Heinztman House does not have an elevator
Would you like to support hockey programs in the Canadian territories? SKATES FOR THE NORTH has successfully collected and distributed complete sets of equipment and extra hockey-related items to four northern communities in Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Labrador.
How can you help?
1. Gather gently used hockey equipment (protective gear and sticks) and contact Mia Poscente to arrange pick up/drop off of your donation;
2. Be a SKATES for the NORTH ambassador, spreading the word to your hockey people and collecting donations for the 2024 Equipment Drive;
3. Purchase a SKATES for the NORTH puzzle for $30. Net proceeds will go to purchase equipment and support hockey programming in the North;
4. Make a cash donation toward the 2024 Equipment Drive.
Contact Mia at m_poscente@hotmail.com for more information. Donate or pay for puzzles by E-transfer to skatesforthenorth@hotmail.com
Include your name and location in the E-transfer. Actual shipping costs will be added, if commercial shipping is required.
Royal Orchard Community Information Board
It’s here! Our new Community Board is located at the entrance of Royal Orchard Park on Royal Orchard Blvd.
Residents are invited to use this board to share community information and events. Please use push pins or thumb tacks. Do not use glue/adhesive tape.
Please no advertising. No graffiti. This is a community resource.
Help Us Make RORA More Successful
We are interested in your views and your ideas for our neighbourhood. We need volunteers to help with events and committees. If you have some time to give, we would love to hear from you. We are still looking for a treasurer and secretary.
Contact us at royalorchardra@gmail.com